The human brain oscillates between the past and the present. We are always anguished evaluating what has already happened in our life or trying to guess what is to come. The purpose of mindfulness is to use meditation to pay attention to what is happening now. That is, guide our thoughts to the present, observing everything you are doing now. According to scholars on the subject, each study produces a physiological response, such as the release of the hormones cortisol or serotonin, which are linked to stress and mood.
There are simple breathing exercises that can help parents and children a lot to control emotions, especially in this challenging pandemic moment that we are all going through. Take a few minutes a day to connect with your little one, and with yourself. Choose the activity that best fits your profile and enjoy.
1- Greeting of the day
Still lying on the bed, instruct your child to take a few deep breaths and imagine the warmth of the sun touching his head and radiating throughout his body, very slowly. Propose that your child slowly move his toes and observe how he feels, and gradually he will wake up. Finally, invite him to sit on the bed and explain that he is now ready to start the day because his body has awakened.
2- Breathe with your favourite stuffed animal
Lay your child down and ask him to place his favourite stuffed animal on his belly. Teach how to breathe in and out deeply. Show him how his "little friend" moves up and down according to his breath.
3- The sound of silence
Warn that you are going to ring a bell and, for 1 minute, everyone should stand still and observe all the noises that we can perceive around them. Afterwards, ask your child what the noises he heard were? Show him that it was possible to notice different noises at the same time.